Sunday, February 3, 2013

tattoo design

This was my finished tattoo design for my subversive styles class and was done in watercolor. The assignment was to pick and area and design a tattoo to compliment it. This piece spans from the hand up to the elbow, and complement the flow of the arm.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Everyone, check out Audrey Kawasaki. I Promise you wont be disappointed, she is truly a queen of her craft. Even though our styles aren't the least bit similar, it inspired me to work with oils for my Society of Illustrators piece.

Here's a look into my current project for the Society of Illustrators student competition. As you can see its changed quit a bit since the original sketch. Ill be posting the final product on Wednesday, so check back in.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Alright, so it did change quit a bit. The plan for this one to use pencil as an under painting then work it up with oil glazes. I should be started on the penciling precess within the week and I'll be posting updates on those quite frequently.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Here's an update on my current project. It should be the last of my revisions before going to a final product.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

What your seeing here is a test I decided to do before going to a final product. What I wanted to do was see if a pencil drawing could replace a black and white under painting. I was hoping that the values of the pencil drawing would be strong enough to show through the oil glazes. Hopefully this would eliminate most of the work involved in an oil painting, but still leave you with a similar product. For the actual step by step check in weekly while I work on my next piece.